Frog | Hunting On The Window

Our View From Iowa

Last evening while watching TV, we noticed a movement on the window. It was a small tree frog about 2″ long. It had climbed up the glass stalking a moth attracted to the light from our room lamp. You can see the lamp faintly reflected. We grabbed a camera and got this unusual perspective. Its toes look tangled with cobwebs. Afterward, it climbed over to another window and continued the hunt.

Just hanging around. Just hanging around.

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11 thoughts on “Frog | Hunting On The Window

  1. I love their suction-cup feet. They remind me of the pinkish, translucent geckos that roam around, although the geckos aren’t as cute as the frogs. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one from this perspective. it’s a great photo.

    When our nights become silent, as they do in certain seasons, I’m not beyond a little of this as background for computer work. I did go to Pandora Radio, just to see what they might offer up in terms of frogs. The list was pretty interesting, ranging from Kermit the Frog to Alice in Chains, but there weren’t any real frogs.

    • Thank you very much. It was a fun thing to see and capture. We both laughed a lot about it as the little guy walked around on the sheer surface. Amazing.

      Thanks for stopping by.

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